Thursday, May 29, 2014

Pet Portraits

Driving through East Atlanta Village is very unique. You will see mostly dive bars, mom and pop restaurants, some small clubs, local retailers, and of course the Thursday night Farmer's Market. But there is one place that has been a steady establishment for the past 12 years, a veterinary clinic: East Atlanta Animal Clinic. This year, EAAC celebrated their 12th anniversary and I had the pleasure of being a part of that celebration. During this time, I took pictures of furry kids, big and small; calm and rowdy; excited and uninterested; goofy and stoic; the character traits can go on and on. Taking pet portraits is so much fun due to their amazing personalities. When you get the perfect shot, there is no better feeling. Here are some of the pictures that I took of those cute and cuddly friends. Enjoy!








Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thinking of Warmer Days

This February, my boyfriend and I went to Puerto Rico on vacation. It was amazing! The people were friendly; the climate was perfect: 80-86 degrees with the breeze coming off the ocean all day and all night; amazing drinks- mojitos, pina coladas, coronas, medallas; my boyfriend who I love to spend time with; and a couple of other friends- ahh the bliss! It seems like a dream thinking back on it. And today with the 50 degrees high after having 70's last week makes me want to be back in Puerto Rico! Here are some pictures from our trip to help you all day dream about warmer climates and relaxation.