Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day 3: Something Green

Day 3 is supposed to be a picture of clouds. Unfortunately, it is a dreary day and the sky is one big cloud but that wouldn't make for a great picture. So, I decided to go forward a day to Something Green and here are the pictures I took:
My entryway table that I purchased at Woodstock Market. Camera settings: Increased ISO to 3200. Shutter speed 80 and aperture at 1.4. There was some natural light coming in and I also had the foyer chandelier on. Shot in manual mode.
Green flowers that are part of a bouquet I bought the other day. ISO 2000,  aperture 3.5, don't remember shutter speed. Natural light and overhead light. Shot in manual mode.
Not sure what this is called lol. I've had it for years and randomly hang it outside everywhere I live. ISO 800, aperture 2.8, shutter speed between 100-200. All natural light. Shot in manual mode.
Hopefully I'll be able to take the clouds picture soon. It is supposed to rain for the next few days, so I will keep skipping until I can take it. Stay tuned!

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